Our placement test is not an exam in itself, but helps to assess your current German level. This way our German teacher can prepare the first lesson and suggest a suitable program to you.
Depending on how much you know, you can spend 20, 40, 60 or more minutes. We recommend to do the test without a dictionary. This way you and we will see where your German is, what you need to repeat or what you need to learn new. The test ist provided as a pdf.
- General placement test German A1.1 – B1.1
- A1 placement test German for youth
- A2 placement test German for youth
You can forward the test as individual photos or as a scan by e-mail, as files via or send it via snail mail to the address below.
An online version of the test is in preparation. Learn and enjoy!

Contact me!
With best wishes from Bamberg/Bavaria Alexandra von Rohr
Alexandra von Rohr
Schellenberger Straße 20
D-96049 Bamberg / Germany
Phone: +49 951 20 44 04
Mobile: +49 179 518 4635
Skype Call: german-online-teacher
WhatsApp message