Why do you learn German?
Alexandra met several former language students from her language school in Bamberg on a trip in early summer 2022.
– What happened to your German?
– What memories do you have of Bamberg?
– What was your motivation for doing the German course in Bamberg
German taster lesson | Schnupperstunde on ZOOM | 2022-03-25 | der, die, das | FREE
Spring is coming and it’s the flowers. Let’s make it colourful!
der? | die? | das? – – how do you know?
Free for you, for your friends, for your family.
German taster lesson | Schnupperstunde on ZOOM | 2022-03-18 | Accusative? Dative? – finally got it! | FREE
Accusative? Dative? – finally got it!
Once you have understood the case correctly and can explain it to others, then German quickly becomes easier. With a mix of theory and practice, Alexandra makes you an accusative-dative pro in one hour. Free trial lesson on March 18 from 6-7 p.m. on zoom.
Newsletter Studying German Online | News | turn of the year 21/22
Topic: Learn online or on site? The most important thing: learning a language has to be fun!
7 reasons why one-to-one tuition offers decisive advantages. If you would like a translation of this newsletter into English, please write to us. Here the list of last newsletter issues:
German taster lesson | Schnupperstunde on ZOOM | 2021-11-18 | Akkusativ or Dativ? | FREE
German Grammar, sweet and sour! Dear German learners! Let’s make November colourful! 3 German lessons | 3 topics | 3 evenings.
Free for you, your friends, your family
German taster lesson | Schnupperstunde on ZOOM | 2021-11-11 | der, die, das | FREE
German Grammar, sweet and sour! Dear German learners! Let’s make November colourful! 3 German lessons | 3 topics | 3 evenings.
Free for you, your friends, your family
German taster lesson | Schnupperstunde on ZOOM | 2021-11-04 | plural | FREE
Machen wir den November bunt!
3 Deutschstunden | 3 Themen | 3 Abende.
Gratis für dich, für euch, für Freunde, für die Familie
Newsletter Studying German Online | October 2021
Topic: Learn online or on site? The most important thing: learning a language has to be fun!
7 reasons why one-to-one tuition offers decisive advantages. If you would like a translation of this newsletter into English, please write to us. Here the list of last newsletter issues:
German taster lesson via ZOOM | superlative in German | documentation | 2020-03-31
Documentation on the free lessons (trial lessons) of the language institute TREFFPUNKT-ONLINE on the most important grammar topics in German. For reading and self-learning to download as a pdf.
German taster lesson via ZOOM | 2021-03-31 | superlative | FREE
Fall a bit in love with the German grammar | Have a look with us at the ... superlative | FREE The advervial comparative and superlative was the topic of the last taster session March 7th, 2021.Heute ist es wärm-er als gestern | aber | Aber gestern war es trotzdem am...

Contact me!
With best wishes from Bamberg/Bavaria Alexandra von Rohr