German taster lesson ‘Schnupperstunde’ with ZOOM 2020 | accusativ and dativ | FREE
Dear friends of the German language! The days are getting shorter, the time at home longer. Why not start learning German [again]. Alexandra – head of the school TREFFPUNKT-ONLINE would like you to (re-)start with German and discover the asset of learning this...
German taster lesson ‘Schnupperstunde’ with ZOOM 2020 | part 2 | FREE
Alexandra, head of the TREFFPUNKT-ONLINE language institute, will continue to offer free lessons of 45-60 minutes in the last third of 2020. A different grammar focus is chosen for each appointment. Next free group sessions: Sunday morning, October 18th, 10:00 am...
New for general schools outside of Germany: Virtual German classes online
This year many schools around the world planed to travel to Germany with their German students. To experience the country and the people, to practice and improve German. This is unique for everybody learning German as a foreign language.